El Paso Corvette Club By-Laws and Rules
El Paso Corvette Club By-Laws and Rules
In order to promote the interest in Corvette automobile ownership and operation, and to further establish an organized effort to encourage others to participate in the ownership and enjoyment connected with the use of said automobile; to hold meetings, affairs, rendezvous, and other gatherings; public and private to advance said purpose. The EL PASO CORVETTE CLUB (herein after referred to as the Club), hereby adopts these revised by-laws as herein stated.
Mission Statement – The purpose of the El Paso Corvette Club shall be the promotion of the Chevrolet Corvette and the enthusiast by planning road trips, social gatherings, the supporting charity events and giving back to our community. Dedicated to having fun and driving the only true American Sport Car, The Chevrolet Corvette.
Article I --- Membership
Section 1. Members
Membership shall be limited to owners or principal operators of Chevrolet Corvette motor sport vehicles. Members of the Club shall not be members of any other Corvette Club within the El Paso, Texas area to include attendance of meetings. Members who violate the “No Dual Member Rule” or are untruthful on the application can be expelled from the Club. Each member must commit to being an active member throughout the year January through December (Exemption-Living outside the El Paso County Area).
a. Primary Members must own a Chevrolet Corvette at the time of membership application and/or renewal and must be at least 18 years of age. In the event a primary member disposes of their Corvette, (he or she) will have a one year grace period in which to acquire another Corvette. New Primary memberships are subject for review/voted upon by the Officers of the Club.
b. Secondary Members are those associated with a Primary member. Secondary members must be related to the Primary member i.e., spouse, significant other, son or daughter. Secondary members may hold an officer position in the Club.
c. Associate Members are anyone not currently owning a Corvette, but are interested in theCorvette hobby. Associate members shall not hold office or vote on any issue brought before the club. Associate members must be at least 18 years of age.
Section 2. Resignation
Any member may resign by submitting a written resignation with the Secretary, but such resignation shall not relieve the member of the obligation to pay dues, assessments, return club property or other charges theretofore accrued and unpaid.
Section 3. Suspension
A member may be suspended for a period of time for the violation of any by-laws, rules or regulations of the Club. Suspension shall be ordered by a vote of the club officers. The time of the suspension shall be made by the President.
Section 4. Expulsion
Any member whose actions may cause embarrassment to the Club at a Club function or for conduct prejudicial to the best interest of the Club, will be brought to the attention of Club officers. The Officers will hold a special meeting to review the allegations to determine if further action is to be taken. If it is decided that further action is needed, the member will be suspended and the Clubs Officers will vote to determine if expulsion is warranted.
Section 1. Annual Dues
The general membership shall vote when deemed necessary to determine the amount of the annual dues payable by Primary, Secondary and Associate members to the Club. The annual dues are from January through December.
Section 2. Payment of Dues
Dues shall be payable nolater than the third Tuesday of November for the following fiscal year. Dues paid after the set date will be considered late and the membership dues are that of a new member.
Section 3. Privileges
Active Primary and Secondary members in good standing are entitled to all Club privileges and benefits. These include but are not limited to:
a. Associate members are entitled to all club privileges as outlined in the by-laws (Article 1 Section 1c).
Section 4. Application
All proposed members must submit an application for membership and upon being accepted become a member of the Club.
Section 1. General Powers
The business and affairs of the Club shall be managed by the President of the Club with the clubs general membership in agreement.
Section 2. Duties
The general membership may:
a. Hold meetings at such time and places, as it deems necessary.
b. Devise and carry into execution such measures as it deems necessary to promote the objectives of the Club and to best protect the interest and welfare of the membership.
Section 3. Monthly Meetings
Regular meetings of the general membership shall be held every month at such locations as is determined bythe general membership. Special meetings of the general membership may be called by the President.
Section 4. Notice of Meetings
A written or e-mail notice of each regular or any special meeting of the general membership stating the time, place, date and purpose thereof shall be e-mailed at least seven (7) days prior to the date of such meeting. Notices will also be placed on the website. It is the members’ responsibility to maintain a correct address, phone number and e-mail address with the Club and to check the website for updates.
Section 5. Quorum
The voting membership in attendance at any regularly scheduled or special meeting, for which notice was given, constitutes a quorum for the transaction of business.
Section 6. Annual Meeting
The meeting in October shall be the month when Officers will be nominated for the following year. Elections will be held the following month in November of each year.
Article IV - Board of Directors, Officers, and Representatives
Section 1. Board of Director
The Board Director is the President from the previous year to oversee and assist the newly elected President of the Club.
Section 2. Officers
a. President: The President shall be the chief executive officer of the Club, and in the recess of the general membership, shall have the general control and management of its business and affairs. However, the President has the right to delegate any specific powers, except such as may have been exclusively bestowed upon the President, to any other officer of the Club. He/she shall preside over all meetings and shall maintain an up-to-date record of all Club property, which shall include the name of any individual member charged with temporary custody thereof. In the absence or disability of the President, the Vice-President shall assume the duties and exercise the powers of the President.
b. Vice President: The Vice-President will assume command in the event the President is not able to discharge his duties. The Vice President is in charge of all activities and may call together committees to assist in the events that he deems necessary.
c. Secretary: The Secretary will attend all meetings of the Club including monthly, annual, or special sessions and keep a record of all discussions therein. The Secretary will keep a log of all votes taken both written and oral. The by-laws will be held by the Secretary and taken to each meeting for the general membership to review as needed. In the absence of the Secretary, the Secretary will appoint a replacement for that meeting to take minutes.
d. Treasurer: The Treasurer will record and maintain an accurate record of all financial records and will document all receipts and expenditures for the Club. The Treasurer will ensure that all deposits are made monthly. The Treasurer will report to the general membership at each meeting and make the books available monthly. The Treasurer will have the books reviewed and signed by an officer appointed by the President at each monthly meeting. The Treasurer is responsible for the all-incoming mail sent to the Club’s address.
e. Sergeant at Arms: The Sgt. at Arms will maintain order at all meetings and has the right to expel (from the meetings) any member who is being disruptive.
f. Officer (s) at Large: The Officer(s) at Large are officers assigned to key specific duties within the Club. (and any other duty deemed necessary to the officers.) The President and Officers of the Club will determine how many officers at large are deemed necessary. The President and Officers will assign duties to each officer at large.
g. Social Media Officer: The Webmaster will ensure that the website is current and up to date. The Webmaster will have at least two other members assisting him/her with the taking/uploading of pictures and maintaining of the Facebook site. Ultimately, the Webmaster will oversee and be the director of the website.
Article V --- Club Activities
Section 1. Voting
Voting may be conducted on a written ballot or a show of hands. Primary and Secondary Members of the Club may vote.
a. Membership vote is majority of the general members present at the meeting.
b. Business voting may be conducted either verbally, written or by a show of hands.
c. Notification - Proper notification of a proposed vote to notify all members of a proposed change, one month in advance of the scheduled regular monthly meeting. Notifications may be sent through the website, mail (postal service or email) or in person. All paper ballots will be counted by 1 Officer and 2 members
Article VI --- Amendments & Ratifications
All Articles and the Club Mission Statement may be modified in accordance with the rules of the by-laws as written here-in.
Section 1. Amendments
Amendments are changes to the by-laws and shall be entered into the by-laws by replacing the outdated/unneeded regulations. The by-laws are changed by the general membership by vote and require the majority of the membership present at the meeting by written ballot. The ratified amendments to the by-laws shall go into effect immediately upon adoption, unless a motion to adopt specifies a later date/time to go into effect.
Section 2. Conflicts and Interpretation
Any discrepancies or conflicts of interpretation within this document shall be resolved by the Officers.
Section 3. Personal Liability
All persons or corporations extending credit to, contracting with or having any claims against the Club, or the Officers, shall look only to the funds of the Club for payment of any such contract or claim, or the payment of any debt, damage judgment or decree orany other money that may otherwise become due and payable to them from the Club or its Officers. Neither the members of the Club, nor the Officers, past, present or future, shall be personally liable for any such contract, claims, debt, damage, judgment or decree.
Article VII --- Procedural Manual
Section 1. Conduct
Members shall conduct themselves in a professional manner at all times. The membership conduct is a reflection of the Club.
a. Suggestions & Constructive Criticisms: All suggestions and criticisms shall be sent to the officers in written form where they will be reviewed and introduced to the members at the next meeting. Any discussions at the time will cease until officers have had time to review the written suggestion and or criticism. Any item under discussion will be tabled immediately.
Section 2. Awards
Awards will be distributed at the particular event. Other awards will be distributed at the next available general membership meeting.
Section 3. Club Apparel and Club items
Club apparel will be made available to members at cost with the Club making no profit.
Section 4. Website/Facebook
Purpose of the website is to keep the members and the general public informed about events occurring in the region. The Webmaster will ensure the website is operational and will submit any invoices for the operation of the website to the Treasurer for payment. The Facebook site is to keep current the happenings of the Club to other clubs/general public and to send/receive information.
A. Donations for charities will have a written receipt for the donation made. Donations will be detailed in the monthly financial report prepared by the Treasurer. Donations must be to an organization that will keep all funds donated by the Club here in El Paso, Texas. Exemptions: Scholarships
B. The Banquet will be held in January of each year.
C. Funds -A member must acquire the funds from the Treasurer or utilize the Club’s debit card/check and must turn in a receipt for any item purchased. All purchases must be authorized. No member shall be reimbursed for Club purchases.
D. Event proceeds dispersal- Dispersal of donations to charities shall be made within the calendar year.
Last Edited on October 19, 2021
In order to promote the interest in Corvette automobile ownership and operation, and to further establish an organized effort to encourage others to participate in the ownership and enjoyment connected with the use of said automobile; to hold meetings, affairs, rendezvous, and other gatherings; public and private to advance said purpose. The EL PASO CORVETTE CLUB (herein after referred to as the Club), hereby adopts these revised by-laws as herein stated.
Mission Statement – The purpose of the El Paso Corvette Club shall be the promotion of the Chevrolet Corvette and the enthusiast by planning road trips, social gatherings, the supporting charity events and giving back to our community. Dedicated to having fun and driving the only true American Sport Car, The Chevrolet Corvette.
Article I --- Membership
Section 1. Members
Membership shall be limited to owners or principal operators of Chevrolet Corvette motor sport vehicles. Members of the Club shall not be members of any other Corvette Club within the El Paso, Texas area to include attendance of meetings. Members who violate the “No Dual Member Rule” or are untruthful on the application can be expelled from the Club. Each member must commit to being an active member throughout the year January through December (Exemption-Living outside the El Paso County Area).
a. Primary Members must own a Chevrolet Corvette at the time of membership application and/or renewal and must be at least 18 years of age. In the event a primary member disposes of their Corvette, (he or she) will have a one year grace period in which to acquire another Corvette. New Primary memberships are subject for review/voted upon by the Officers of the Club.
b. Secondary Members are those associated with a Primary member. Secondary members must be related to the Primary member i.e., spouse, significant other, son or daughter. Secondary members may hold an officer position in the Club.
c. Associate Members are anyone not currently owning a Corvette, but are interested in theCorvette hobby. Associate members shall not hold office or vote on any issue brought before the club. Associate members must be at least 18 years of age.
Section 2. Resignation
Any member may resign by submitting a written resignation with the Secretary, but such resignation shall not relieve the member of the obligation to pay dues, assessments, return club property or other charges theretofore accrued and unpaid.
Section 3. Suspension
A member may be suspended for a period of time for the violation of any by-laws, rules or regulations of the Club. Suspension shall be ordered by a vote of the club officers. The time of the suspension shall be made by the President.
Section 4. Expulsion
Any member whose actions may cause embarrassment to the Club at a Club function or for conduct prejudicial to the best interest of the Club, will be brought to the attention of Club officers. The Officers will hold a special meeting to review the allegations to determine if further action is to be taken. If it is decided that further action is needed, the member will be suspended and the Clubs Officers will vote to determine if expulsion is warranted.
Section 1. Annual Dues
The general membership shall vote when deemed necessary to determine the amount of the annual dues payable by Primary, Secondary and Associate members to the Club. The annual dues are from January through December.
Section 2. Payment of Dues
Dues shall be payable nolater than the third Tuesday of November for the following fiscal year. Dues paid after the set date will be considered late and the membership dues are that of a new member.
Section 3. Privileges
Active Primary and Secondary members in good standing are entitled to all Club privileges and benefits. These include but are not limited to:
- Voting
- Club events for Members Only
- Holding elected positions
a. Associate members are entitled to all club privileges as outlined in the by-laws (Article 1 Section 1c).
Section 4. Application
All proposed members must submit an application for membership and upon being accepted become a member of the Club.
Section 1. General Powers
The business and affairs of the Club shall be managed by the President of the Club with the clubs general membership in agreement.
Section 2. Duties
The general membership may:
a. Hold meetings at such time and places, as it deems necessary.
b. Devise and carry into execution such measures as it deems necessary to promote the objectives of the Club and to best protect the interest and welfare of the membership.
Section 3. Monthly Meetings
Regular meetings of the general membership shall be held every month at such locations as is determined bythe general membership. Special meetings of the general membership may be called by the President.
Section 4. Notice of Meetings
A written or e-mail notice of each regular or any special meeting of the general membership stating the time, place, date and purpose thereof shall be e-mailed at least seven (7) days prior to the date of such meeting. Notices will also be placed on the website. It is the members’ responsibility to maintain a correct address, phone number and e-mail address with the Club and to check the website for updates.
Section 5. Quorum
The voting membership in attendance at any regularly scheduled or special meeting, for which notice was given, constitutes a quorum for the transaction of business.
Section 6. Annual Meeting
The meeting in October shall be the month when Officers will be nominated for the following year. Elections will be held the following month in November of each year.
Article IV - Board of Directors, Officers, and Representatives
Section 1. Board of Director
The Board Director is the President from the previous year to oversee and assist the newly elected President of the Club.
Section 2. Officers
a. President: The President shall be the chief executive officer of the Club, and in the recess of the general membership, shall have the general control and management of its business and affairs. However, the President has the right to delegate any specific powers, except such as may have been exclusively bestowed upon the President, to any other officer of the Club. He/she shall preside over all meetings and shall maintain an up-to-date record of all Club property, which shall include the name of any individual member charged with temporary custody thereof. In the absence or disability of the President, the Vice-President shall assume the duties and exercise the powers of the President.
b. Vice President: The Vice-President will assume command in the event the President is not able to discharge his duties. The Vice President is in charge of all activities and may call together committees to assist in the events that he deems necessary.
c. Secretary: The Secretary will attend all meetings of the Club including monthly, annual, or special sessions and keep a record of all discussions therein. The Secretary will keep a log of all votes taken both written and oral. The by-laws will be held by the Secretary and taken to each meeting for the general membership to review as needed. In the absence of the Secretary, the Secretary will appoint a replacement for that meeting to take minutes.
d. Treasurer: The Treasurer will record and maintain an accurate record of all financial records and will document all receipts and expenditures for the Club. The Treasurer will ensure that all deposits are made monthly. The Treasurer will report to the general membership at each meeting and make the books available monthly. The Treasurer will have the books reviewed and signed by an officer appointed by the President at each monthly meeting. The Treasurer is responsible for the all-incoming mail sent to the Club’s address.
e. Sergeant at Arms: The Sgt. at Arms will maintain order at all meetings and has the right to expel (from the meetings) any member who is being disruptive.
f. Officer (s) at Large: The Officer(s) at Large are officers assigned to key specific duties within the Club. (and any other duty deemed necessary to the officers.) The President and Officers of the Club will determine how many officers at large are deemed necessary. The President and Officers will assign duties to each officer at large.
g. Social Media Officer: The Webmaster will ensure that the website is current and up to date. The Webmaster will have at least two other members assisting him/her with the taking/uploading of pictures and maintaining of the Facebook site. Ultimately, the Webmaster will oversee and be the director of the website.
Article V --- Club Activities
Section 1. Voting
Voting may be conducted on a written ballot or a show of hands. Primary and Secondary Members of the Club may vote.
a. Membership vote is majority of the general members present at the meeting.
b. Business voting may be conducted either verbally, written or by a show of hands.
c. Notification - Proper notification of a proposed vote to notify all members of a proposed change, one month in advance of the scheduled regular monthly meeting. Notifications may be sent through the website, mail (postal service or email) or in person. All paper ballots will be counted by 1 Officer and 2 members
Article VI --- Amendments & Ratifications
All Articles and the Club Mission Statement may be modified in accordance with the rules of the by-laws as written here-in.
Section 1. Amendments
Amendments are changes to the by-laws and shall be entered into the by-laws by replacing the outdated/unneeded regulations. The by-laws are changed by the general membership by vote and require the majority of the membership present at the meeting by written ballot. The ratified amendments to the by-laws shall go into effect immediately upon adoption, unless a motion to adopt specifies a later date/time to go into effect.
Section 2. Conflicts and Interpretation
Any discrepancies or conflicts of interpretation within this document shall be resolved by the Officers.
Section 3. Personal Liability
All persons or corporations extending credit to, contracting with or having any claims against the Club, or the Officers, shall look only to the funds of the Club for payment of any such contract or claim, or the payment of any debt, damage judgment or decree orany other money that may otherwise become due and payable to them from the Club or its Officers. Neither the members of the Club, nor the Officers, past, present or future, shall be personally liable for any such contract, claims, debt, damage, judgment or decree.
Article VII --- Procedural Manual
Section 1. Conduct
Members shall conduct themselves in a professional manner at all times. The membership conduct is a reflection of the Club.
a. Suggestions & Constructive Criticisms: All suggestions and criticisms shall be sent to the officers in written form where they will be reviewed and introduced to the members at the next meeting. Any discussions at the time will cease until officers have had time to review the written suggestion and or criticism. Any item under discussion will be tabled immediately.
Section 2. Awards
Awards will be distributed at the particular event. Other awards will be distributed at the next available general membership meeting.
Section 3. Club Apparel and Club items
Club apparel will be made available to members at cost with the Club making no profit.
Section 4. Website/Facebook
Purpose of the website is to keep the members and the general public informed about events occurring in the region. The Webmaster will ensure the website is operational and will submit any invoices for the operation of the website to the Treasurer for payment. The Facebook site is to keep current the happenings of the Club to other clubs/general public and to send/receive information.
A. Donations for charities will have a written receipt for the donation made. Donations will be detailed in the monthly financial report prepared by the Treasurer. Donations must be to an organization that will keep all funds donated by the Club here in El Paso, Texas. Exemptions: Scholarships
B. The Banquet will be held in January of each year.
C. Funds -A member must acquire the funds from the Treasurer or utilize the Club’s debit card/check and must turn in a receipt for any item purchased. All purchases must be authorized. No member shall be reimbursed for Club purchases.
D. Event proceeds dispersal- Dispersal of donations to charities shall be made within the calendar year.
Last Edited on October 19, 2021