Tuesday, November 16th, the El Paso Corvette Club held their last meeting of 2021 at Corralito’s Steak House in east El Paso. Officer positions were confirmed for 2022; they are: for President: Tim O'Malley; Vice President: Lou Avalos; Treasurer: Dolores Avalos: Secretary: Jean Stillman; Sergeant at Arms: Gerry Klein; Officer at Large-Apparel: O.J. Wade; Officer at Large-Parking: Louis White; Officer at Large-Hospitality: Carlos Mora ; and Social Media Officer: Open. Old and new business was discussed and we welcomed new members Sergio and Denise Guevara We concluded the evening with our 50/50 raffle, held an auction for a Fender Acoustic Guitar, and celebrated the birthdays of Dolores Avalos, Sergio Guevara, and Tim O’Malley. Happy Birthday from us all! Our next meeting will be the 3rd Tuesday of February and the location will be central El Paso and the place is TBD. All of us in the EPCC wish you a wonderful and safe holiday season. .
The El Paso Corvette Club held their October meeting Tuesday, October 19th, at Great American Steakburger on Mesa Hills. It was an excellent turnout of current and new members. Nominations were held for officer positions. The nominees who accepted were as follows: for President: Tim O'Malley; VIce President: Lou Avalos; Treasurer: Dolores Avalos: Secretary: Jean Stillman; Sergeant at Arms: Gerry Klein; Officer at Large-Apparel: O.J. Wade; Officer at Large-Parking: Louis White; Officer at Large-Hospitality: Carlos Mora ; Social Media Officer: Open. Elections will be held at the November meeting. New member certificates were received by Richard & Gloria Garcia, David & Claudia Baade, James Graves, and Tracy & Bernadette Heal. Tracy's business, Affordable Automotive Service Center was honored recently by receiving Best of El Paso recognition. We concluded the evening with our 50/50 raffle and celebrated the birthdays of Nancy Driscoll, Jesus Leyva, and Cynthia Vargas. Happy Birthday from us all! Our next meeting will be held on November 16th at Corralito Steak House at 1501 N. Zaragoza, on El Paso’s east side.
The El Paso Corvette Club held their monthly meeting Tuesday, September 21st, at Richard & Gloria's home. They were incredible hosts! Host and club member Richard Garcia, a professional caterer, put on quite a feast for the club that included two types of grilled ribs, chicken, sausage, sides and dessert! They even had professional saxophonist, Gabrielle Torres, perform some very smooth jazz and popular tunes. When the meeting started we recapped the month’s events, and went over the plans for our upcoming cruises and events. We discussed proposed changes to the by-laws, collected annual dues, and voted on designs for a new club logo. We had loads of fun with our 50/50 drawings. Our next meeting will be Tuesday, October 19th, at the Great American Steak Burger at 701 S. Mesa Hills Drive on the westside. The October meeting will include nominations for officer positions. There are a lot of exciting events and cruises coming up, keep an eye on this website and your email for details.
The El Paso Corvette Club held their monthly meeting Tuesday, August 17th, at Julio's Mexican Food, 3630 Joe Battle Blvd, El Paso. It was an excellent turnout with some mighty fine rides in the parking lot. Besides a recap of last month’s events, we went over the plans for our upcoming cruises and events. Zeke Valadez was introduced as EPCC Media Coordinator and is hard at work on the Vettes for Vets Show and Shine Car Show coming up August 2th. Dr. Jim Dat Lam and newlyweds, James and Francesca Robin (congratulations!), received their member certificates. We had loads of fun with an auction, and 50/50 drawings. We celebrated the August birthdays of those in attendance, namely Sarita O’Malley and Joey Sepulbeda. Our next meeting will be Tuesday, September 21st at Richard & Gloria’s home. Mark your calendars and keep an eye on your email for directions and details. There are a lot of exciting events and cruises coming up.
The El Paso Corvette Club held their monthly meeting on June 15th at the West Texas Chop House. There were 28 members in attendance. We discussed numerous topics to include past events and who attended them to upcoming events such as the 4thof July Parade, our Labor Day Cruise, and our Halloween Party. Hector Garcia won the 50/50 and we presented Membership Certificates to Perry Harp and Angel Lopez-Godfrey. The food was delicious and the service was great. Our next meeting will be on the west side of El Paso and the location will be announced at a later date on this website.
On May 18th, the El Paso Corvette Club held their first in-person monthly club meeting in the airy back room at Applebees on George Dieter. Over a year ago, in-person meetings were suspended due to the pandemic. It was great not having to resort to a Zoom meeting again! Cheers to the freedom of vaccinations! It was an enjoyable evening of food, fun, fifty-fifty, and fellowship! We also held an auction. Club member, Perry, generously donated a weekend at his Ruidoso resort home. Thank you, Perry! We welcomed new member Mike Caracoza Jr., who owns a cam’d-out C6 Z51! Welcome, Mike!